Don’t negotiate in the dark

Wondering if you left money on the table after you signed your contract is a terrible feeling. You don’t know what you don’t know. Meanwhile, AWS has all the information they need to strengthen their side of the deal.

You can’t procure AWS success on your ownDoesn’t Have to Be Hard

Unless you know AWS inside and out, you’re fighting an uphill battle relying solely on in-house teams. Even the best procurement managers, CFOs, and finance teams need AWS experts to make sure they’re getting the most out of their contract.

Could I have saved more?

Don’t settle for bad benchmarks. With AWS seemingly holding all the cards, looking from the outside in can feel like a black box. Internal guesswork, generalist industry benchmarking, and asking fellow peers doesn’t give you a good answer to that question that lingers: could I have saved more?

Understand your infrastructure

Understand how every aspect of your AWS infrastructure impacts your bill. Our expert negotiators put extremely technical insights into context so you can better understand what factors influence your bill and what you need from your AWS contract.

Validate your own insights

It helps to have a second set of eyes checking the AWS cost estimation and budget forecasting you’ve already done. Having an expert with on-the-ground experience in contract negotiation can give you, your leadership team, board, and investors more confidence in your own forecasting.

Leverage qualitative and quantitative benchmarking

Every detail counts in AWS contract negotiation. Instead of relying on high-level information from generalists, use well-informed financial models to guide your negotiation strategy.

Our tried-and-true contract negotiation process works. Period.

Experience is the difference maker. Work with someone who’s not only technically adept but well-versed in AWS contract negotiation and can get you the contract you want.

Get every cent out of your AWS contract

You should feel like you have a home field advantage at the negotiation table. You want a partner that’s been there before. Having negotiated billions in AWS contracts, Duckbill has the confidence and know-how to ensure you get the best deal for your business.

Know where you stand at every step

Benchmarks should bring your contract into focus and leave you with confidence that you have the right terms for your organization.

There’s No Substitute for AWS Expertise

Your procurement team knows every detail of your business. Duckbill knows AWS inside and out. At every step of the process, from before you start negotiating and after your contract is signed, you’ll have a partner by your side guiding each step and negotiating for every penny. 

There’s no substitute for AWS expertise. An AWS contract is complex, layered, and represents what might be your biggest expense line item. Working with experienced specialists makes a world of difference in getting the contract you want. 

Averages are meant to be broken. You can aim for a benchmark. Or, you can aim higher. Duckbill works to get clients the contracts they’re looking for, not the contract that fits within an average range.

Our Singular Guarantee

We’re confident we can negotiate the best contract for your business. In fact, we’re so confident that we offer this guarantee: if you feel that we haven’t helped your team achieve your goals, we will refund you up to 100% of your fee.

The earlier you can bring an expert in the better. The best time to think about contract negotiation is long before you need to negotiate, typically around 3 – 6 months before you even begin conversations with AWS. Whenever you call, we’ll be there to guide you from our first meeting until the final contract is signed.

Generic Client Quote Icon
Working with Duckbill was a game changer. We went from a negotiation where our cloud provider knew all the levers available and we had little to go by, to one where we had access to real time market data and cloud negotiation strategy expertise. Even though our negotiation had several complex elements, Duckbill was able to reach a very favorable outcome in only a few weeks, and supplied comparative data of our deal terms that was valuable for gaining stakeholder approval. Overall we highly recommend Duckbill and would be eager to work with them again when delving into cloud provider negotiations.
Anonymous,  Engineering Leadership,  A computationally-driven biotech startup

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